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Pura Vida in Costa Rica

Sunrise in the Caribbean and sunset on the Pacific – on the same day. Where else can you experience this if not in Costa Rica?

Between the two coasts with their white, pink, and black sandy beaches lie almost 300 km of winding roads through breathtakingly beautiful landscapes. Majestically towering volcanoes, tropical dry forests, mystical cloud forests, impenetrable dense rainforests. The generosity of Costa Rica’s nature is overwhelming.

Pura Vida – life at its best

Talking about life and wildlife in particular: Costa Rica is one of the most species-rich countries in the world. Nowhere else are there as many kinds of birds as in Costa Rica. From the toucan, whose large beak seems to always get in the way when flying, to the fiery red macaw, or the tiny hummingbird that looks like it stands still in the air.

Up in the trees, the howler monkeys loudly call for attention, while the sloths just hang out and chill. Down on the ground, there is an impressive variety of frogs, lizards, and snakes roaming. What they all have in common: an incredible bounty of colors.

Fireworks of colors

With relatively high humidity and average temperatures of a pleasant 23 – 35°C, bougainvilleas, heliconia, bromeliads, and orchids are all aglow. Bananas, pineapples, and papayas grow in abundance. Costa Rican coffee is among the best in the world.

Nature invites you to indulge in it. Everyone in their own way. While one of us enjoys the views of the forest canopies from above on a hike across a suspension bridge, another one glides along the rainforest zip lines at breathtaking speed. You can enjoy the calm on the water while fishing, while others prefer to plunge themselves on their surfboard into the meter-high ocean waves. Horseback riding, golf, rock climbing, whitewater rafting – there is something for everyone.

The Switzerland of Central America

Costa Rica has one of the highest standards of living in Latin America. Because of its relative prosperity, its political neutrality, and its mountainous landscape, Costa Rica is nicknamed the Switzerland of Central America. Instead of investing in the military, the government focuses on education. Well-trained doctors and comparatively low treatment costs have contributed to the development of considerable medical tourism.

The capital San José is located on a plateau in the Central Valley. It is the economic and cultural center of the country. Direct flights leave daily from here to Europe, North and South America. Costa Rica is interesting for investors not least because of its favorable tax legislation. It is also increasingly attracting international companies, especially in the digital sector.

Columbus gave Costa Rica its name. He did not find gold here. Instead, he found an unparalleled abundance of nature: Costa Rica, the rich coast.